Sexual Health Treatments

Sexual Spontaneity with the Duo™

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Alma Duo is a cutting-edge, life-changing technology that improves the sexual health of both men and women without invasive procedures, messy creams, pills, or injections. For men, Duo can be used to treat the symptoms of erectile dysfunction (ED) to increase sexual spontaneity and stamina. For women, Duo can increase sexual satisfaction and natural lubrication for a better sexual experience.

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Adult individuals who are healthy, safely sexually active, and in search of a noninvasive procedure that will help them better enjoy their sexual experiences are great candidates for Alma Duo. Women who struggle to climax and men who are held back by ED will receive outstanding results.

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Duo is noninvasive, fast, and painless. During an in-office session, the Duo device will be applied to the treatment area. It emits low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy (LI-ESWT), a type of energy that stimulates a natural healing process and creates new blood vessels for improved blood flow. You will be permitted to return to your daily activities immediately after your session with no need for a recovery period.

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How many sessions will I need? For the best possible results, your physician will recommend six sessions carried out over a predetermined period of time. While results will begin to develop after each individual session, the most comprehensive outcomes are received following the completion of the sixth session.
How long will my treatments take? Each individual treatment takes only 15 – 20 minutes to complete. Depending on your schedule, you might even be able to complete a session during your lunch break or your errand run. Because there is no recovery required after your session, Duo will not affect your daily routine in any manner.
How long will my results last after my last session? Clients who have completed their sixth Duo session experience results on average of two years. As everybody is different, individual results vary from one patient to the next. But generally speaking, males and females alike enjoy around two years of outstanding sexual experiences.
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