Common Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance and How BHRT Can Help

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Hormones influence everything from mood and energy to sexual health and overall well-being. But when hormones are out of balance, it can leave you feeling "off" in ways that are hard to ignore. Unfortunately, many people assume these changes are a normal part of aging and try to cope with them on their own. But what if there was a way to feel like yourself again?

At Flawless Salon and Medical Spa, we're proud to offer BioTE® bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). This advanced option can address erectile dysfunction in men, and vaginal dryness and low libido in women. It can also manage difficulty concentrating, fatigue, and other common symptoms. Call now to meet with certified women's health care nurse practitioner Patience Peale and learn more about hormone optimization in Butte, MT.

What are the symptoms of a hormonal imbalance?

Hormonal imbalances may be easy to brush off at first but can have a big impact on daily life. Some signs include:

  • Low fatigue and energy: No matter how much coffee you drink, do you still feel worn out? Hormonal changes can disrupt your natural sleep patterns, making it difficult to get quality rest.
  • Mood swings: Have you been feeling more irritable or anxious lately? Imbalances can affect your brain chemistry and cause changes in emotions and behavior.
  • Changes in weight: Even with a healthy diet and exercise routine, have you noticed stubborn fat beginning to accumulate? Hormones can affect your metabolism and make it challenging to lose weight.
  • Difficulty concentrating: Do you struggle to focus and complete tasks? Hormonal imbalances can affect cognitive function and make it harder to concentrate.
  • Sexual health concerns: Are you struggling with your sexual health? Low libido in women and men, erectile dysfunction, and vaginal dryness can all be linked to hormonal imbalances.

If you struggle with these issues, BioTE hormone therapy may be an effective solution!

How BioTE hormone therapy can help

Now that you're familiar with the above symptoms, let's talk about how hormone optimization with BHRT can make a difference. Our team uses bioidentical hormones, which are plant-derived and designed to match the natural hormones your body already produces.

At our office in Butte, MT, BHRT is available in pellet form. These pellets are inserted under the skin and release a consistent dose of hormones into your bloodstream. This approach is preferred by many patients because it removes the need for daily pills or creams.

Is BHRT safe?

One of the most common questions we hear is, "Is BHRT safe?" The answer is yes — when administered by a highly trained professional like Patience Peale. During an appointment at Flawless Salon and Medical Spa, we'll review your medical history and perform a blood test to determine if BioTE hormone therapy is right for your symptoms. We'll also monitor your hormone levels throughout treatment to ensure optimal results.

Results from BHRT vary, but most people report feeling more energetic, improved mental clarity, better mood, and increased libido. BHRT is a custom treatment that addresses your specific imbalances to help you feel like yourself again.

Take control of your hormone health

Is BHRT safe, and how does BioTE hormone therapy work? At Flawless Salon and Medical Spa, we know that issues like low libido in women, difficulty concentrating, and vaginal dryness are hard to manage. Hormone optimization is a proven way to restore balance. Learn more by booking an appointment with certified women's health care nurse practitioner Patience Peale today. Our Butte, MT, team can help you get started.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.